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This section contains a feed from PubMed with recent papers on 'ciliopathy', with hyperlinked titles.

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PubMed RSS feed: Latest results from PubMed
  • Structural basis for α-tubulin-specific and modification state-dependent glutamylation
    24 April 2024
    Microtubules have spatiotemporally complex posttranslational modification patterns. Tubulin tyrosine ligase-like (TTLL) enzymes introduce the most prevalent modifications on α-tubulin and β-tubulin. How TTLLs specialize for specific substrate recognition and ultimately modification-pattern generation is largely unknown. TTLL6, a glutamylase implicated in ciliopathies, preferentially modifies tubulin α-tails in microtubules. Cryo-electron microscopy, kinetic analysis and single-molecule...
  • IFT cargo and motors associate sequentially with IFT trains to enter cilia of C. elegans
    24 April 2024
    Intraflagellar transport (IFT) orchestrates entry of proteins into primary cilia. At the ciliary base, assembled IFT trains, driven by kinesin-2 motors, can transport cargo proteins into the cilium, across the crowded transition zone. How trains assemble at the base and how proteins associate with them is far from understood. Here, we use single-molecule imaging in the cilia of C. elegans chemosensory neurons to directly visualize the entry of kinesin-2 motors, kinesin-II and OSM-3, as well as...
  • BAG3 regulates cilia homeostasis of glioblastoma via its WW domain
    24 April 2024
    The multidomain protein BAG3 exerts pleiotropic oncogenic functions in many tumor entities including glioblastoma (GBM). Here, we compared BAG3 protein-protein interactions in either adherently cultured or stem-like cultured U251 GBM cells. In line with BAG3's putative role in regulating stem-like properties, identified interactors in sphere-cultured cells included different stem cell markers (SOX2, OLIG2, and NES), while interactomes of adherent BAG3-proficient cells indicated a shift toward...
  • Macro- and micro-morphological comparison of the detailed structure of the oral cavity roof in two different feeding habits marine fishes: Pagrus pagrus and Boops boops
    23 April 2024
    The feeding habits and habitats of fish influence the morphology of the oral cavity. This study used gross anatomy, light microscopy, and scanning electron microscopy, in addition to morphometric analysis, to investigate the anatomical characteristics of the oral cavity roof in Pagrus pagrus and Boops boops, which have different dietary habits. The oral cavity roof appeared U-shaped and divided into the palate and upper pharyngeal regions. The upper lip of P. pagrus was broad, while B. boops'...
  • Do Causes Influence Functional Aspects and Quality of Life in Patients with Nonfibrocystic Bronchiectasis?
    23 April 2024
    CONCLUSIONS: Causes most identified were postinfections, CD, and COPD. Patients with COPD are older and have worse pulmonary function and more comorbidities. The most symptomatic patients are clinically and functionally more severe, besides having worse quality of life.